I ordered some yarn last night! I ordered Bartlett Glen Tweed for Rogue in Bluebell. It's a very pretty light purply-blueish-gray...

I ordered it from Knit Pixie, if you register you get 10% off, so it was a pretty good deal! I was going to use the Highland wool from Elann, but I heard it's not a good choice for Rogue. I got the idea to use the Bartlett from Lauren (Almost Felted) who is using the Glen Tweed in Lovat. Her Rogue is coming out great!! Last week I also ordered something else. Only because I know I'm getting my taxes back in a couple weeks. DH is getting a big screen TV, I can get some yarn! I'm such a good justifier! LOL! I ordered the Peace Fleece Everyday Cardigan kit in Volgasippi Blue.
As for Ribby Cardi, I think I'm going to stick with the Eggplant for the sleeves. I think they will look fine (i.e. I'm too lazy to restart the sleeves). Well, that's all for now! Write more later!
What do you think about the Bartlett smell? I find myself sniffing it frequently, but I can't decide if I like the smell.
(some_girl_named_lauren AT yahoo DOT com)