Well, that's it. I have nothing else to report. I need to clean the boys room, catch up on work, do laundry (always doing laundry), but I'm too tired. I may even be too tired to stitch tonight. I may just collapse. Write later!
Friday, March 30, 2007
More Nature's Beauty...
Are you getting sick of this yet?? I'm trying to be a good little stitcher and finish what I start! :) I'm really hoping to get it finished soon. Matthew has been wearing me out the last couple days. He is getting so active!! I had to lay him down about 10 times until he finally wore himself out and he fell asleep. He just gets up and hangs on for dear life until someone (usually me) rescues him! Anyway, here's my little progress pic...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Back to Reality...
It was so good to see the boys last night. Only Matthew is getting a tooth on top and he screamed until about 1 am. He's also doing everything at once now. pulling up, sitting up, wanting to crawl. So anyway, I'm worn out and have been looking back at my day spent in my hotel room as bliss. :) I got a lot of stitching done there and on the way home yesterday...
I don't have too much more to stitch on Nature's Beauty. If the boys allow - I should be able to get it finished pretty soon. :) Well, Matthew is fussing again, so I'll write more later! :)
edited to add...
Matthew standing in his pack and play. He gets up and then gets stuck... he can't get down!! :)
I don't have too much more to stitch on Nature's Beauty. If the boys allow - I should be able to get it finished pretty soon. :) Well, Matthew is fussing again, so I'll write more later! :)
edited to add...
Matthew standing in his pack and play. He gets up and then gets stuck... he can't get down!! :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I've been just relaxing all morning in my hotel room in Georgia. I stitched a little bit, read my blogs, I got to sleep in until 8:30 am! On the drive down yesterday I lounged on the back seat of the minivan and stitched and watched Grey's Anatomy on my iPod and then when I felt tired I stretched out and fell asleep. I was so glad I brought my feather pillows - it was so comfy. Last night we went out to eat at Carrabbas. The food was so good - I had chicken with Rigatoni, mushrooms, sundried tomoatoes - Yum. I was so full, but didn't want it to end! LOL! So I guess you can tell I'm having a good time so far! :) I miss the kids, but a part of me wants to stay a little longer! Dh is working (he has to testify in a trial for an arrest he made here), so I think I'm going to walk across the street to the mall and get lunch later. I'm free - I can do whatever I want! :) Here are a couple pics I've taken...

Nature's Beauty as of 3/26/07 (sorry for the wrinkles)

I found this Whitman's Tin at Publix - they had yellow, pink, and green!

The trees I've missed so much!

Nature's Beauty as of 3/26/07 (sorry for the wrinkles)

I found this Whitman's Tin at Publix - they had yellow, pink, and green!

The trees I've missed so much!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
New Loose Feather
I got the new Loose Feather in the mail today. I just love this one - I ordered the fabric and threads to go along with it.

I'm not sure, but this may just being my next project! :)
I dropped off Bradley and Matthew at my MIL's house today. It feels so strange, but it was good for Jake. I took him to Blockbuster and rented him a game and movie. We watched the movie together and he was a perfect angel. I think he was just overly tired yesterday. Anyway, we are leaving for Georgia tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to getting away, but I also know I'll be looking forward to getting back to the kids.

I took this picture of Matthew today - he's just getting way too big! I know he's in good hands, but I still miss him so much! :) Well, I'm stitching on Nature's Beauty again tonight - so I'm going to go! Write later!

I'm not sure, but this may just being my next project! :)
I dropped off Bradley and Matthew at my MIL's house today. It feels so strange, but it was good for Jake. I took him to Blockbuster and rented him a game and movie. We watched the movie together and he was a perfect angel. I think he was just overly tired yesterday. Anyway, we are leaving for Georgia tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to getting away, but I also know I'll be looking forward to getting back to the kids.

I took this picture of Matthew today - he's just getting way too big! I know he's in good hands, but I still miss him so much! :) Well, I'm stitching on Nature's Beauty again tonight - so I'm going to go! Write later!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Spring is definitely here!

I went to my first baseball game this year and it was great! Up until the end when Jake through a huge temper tantrum that I was afraid the players on the field would hear him. I was so embarrassed I just wanted to crawl under the seats. He said he wanted to go, so we all got up to go, and then he started screaming that he wanted to stay. He must have been so tired because he was just being unreasonable. I really hope this is just a four year old phase and that he gets over it very soon! I felt so bad for my dad because he drove three hours to go to the game with us and then it ended the way it did. Oh well, I know not to take him to another game until he get a little older. Bradley on the other hand was so good. Just sat there and cheered and ate peanuts. I was so proud of him and hopefully when Jake's six, he'll be just as good. Anyway, another fun thing happened. I ended up getting a migraine. I started getting one on the way home partly because of the stress Jake was causing me and partly because I didn't have my coffee that morning, just half of a diet coke. By the time I got home it was really bad. I took some Excedrin and tried to lay down, but by then I was nauseous and the pain in my head was unbearable. I ended getting sick and after that I felt much better. I still have the headache, but it's nothing like it was. Later in the evening I felt well enough to stitch some...

I finished up the flowers and the little bees. Next I'm going to stitch the rest of the words and then get started on the top half.

It's so hard to believe this little guy can cause so much trouble. With a face like that it's tough to stay mad at him long. I know he's still part baby, I just think of him as so big sometimes that I forget he's only four. Well, that was my fun day - can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring! Am I in Georgia yet?? :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Feeling Springy...
Next to fall, spring is my favorite season. And even though we don't get much of a spring here in Florida I'm still feeling springy! :) I went through some of my favorite spring/Easter charts and kits in my stash today...

I'm realizing I really need to stop buying so much and get out the charts and kits I do have every once in awhile. It makes me realize what I have and not what I think I need now! :) Anyway, I was thinking of stitching Shepherd's Bush's "Simple Egg" sometime in the future (probably not in time for Easter). I have always loved that kit. Just look at these silks, aren't they pretty??

I'm not planning on starting now though... I'm still loving Nature's Beauty. I got a little more done tonight...

One last thing... you may have notiticed my shared items that I put up in my blog. I started using Google Reader instead of Bloglines and I really like it. It allows me to star items and to share items, which is a lot of fun. In the Sweets&Cafe blog she finished a cute freebie and put a link to the French site it's from. Many of you may know of this site, but it was new to me. I found a lot of cute freebies. I printed out one of them and pulled the threads. This is another cute springy pattern that I'm thinking of stitching.

Well, that's all for now. I'll write more later! :)

I'm realizing I really need to stop buying so much and get out the charts and kits I do have every once in awhile. It makes me realize what I have and not what I think I need now! :) Anyway, I was thinking of stitching Shepherd's Bush's "Simple Egg" sometime in the future (probably not in time for Easter). I have always loved that kit. Just look at these silks, aren't they pretty??

I'm not planning on starting now though... I'm still loving Nature's Beauty. I got a little more done tonight...

One last thing... you may have notiticed my shared items that I put up in my blog. I started using Google Reader instead of Bloglines and I really like it. It allows me to star items and to share items, which is a lot of fun. In the Sweets&Cafe blog she finished a cute freebie and put a link to the French site it's from. Many of you may know of this site, but it was new to me. I found a lot of cute freebies. I printed out one of them and pulled the threads. This is another cute springy pattern that I'm thinking of stitching.

Well, that's all for now. I'll write more later! :)
Not doing too much...
Which is why I haven't blogged in about five days. I did start on LHN Nature's Beauty last night. I'm really loving it! This is definitely my favorite LHN yet!

I'm using the recommend fabric - 32 ct. R&R Flax Fields and DMC thread. I can tell this design is going to be like chocolate for me... I'm not going to want it to end! :)
Well, I'm headed up to Georgia for a few days on Monday. I'm leaving Bradley and Matthew with my MIL and Jake with my mom. I'm so anxious over leaving Matthew - I've only been apart from him for two days before - and I was just a 1/2 hour away. I'm going to miss them all so much, but this is definitely a much needed break. I can't wait to sleep in, and not only sleep in, but have an uninterrupted sleep!
I have also been working on Bradley's ripple afgan. I think someone asked about the pattern before and I forgot to answer. The pattern comes from 200 Ripple Stitch Patterns by Jan Eaton. It has crochet and knit patterns.

I'm just using ordinary kitchen cotton from Lion Brand and Peaches & Cream. I'm trying not to have any rhyme or reason to my stripes - I've been asking Jake or Bradley which color to do next. :)
Tomorrow we are going to a spring training baseball game - Tigers vs. Braves. My traitor sons say they want the Tigers to win. I guess I'm the original traitor though because all of my family are Tigers fans. :) Well, not much else going on here. I'm hoping our hotel has wifi, so I can get online. Write later! :)

I'm using the recommend fabric - 32 ct. R&R Flax Fields and DMC thread. I can tell this design is going to be like chocolate for me... I'm not going to want it to end! :)
Well, I'm headed up to Georgia for a few days on Monday. I'm leaving Bradley and Matthew with my MIL and Jake with my mom. I'm so anxious over leaving Matthew - I've only been apart from him for two days before - and I was just a 1/2 hour away. I'm going to miss them all so much, but this is definitely a much needed break. I can't wait to sleep in, and not only sleep in, but have an uninterrupted sleep!
I have also been working on Bradley's ripple afgan. I think someone asked about the pattern before and I forgot to answer. The pattern comes from 200 Ripple Stitch Patterns by Jan Eaton. It has crochet and knit patterns.

I'm just using ordinary kitchen cotton from Lion Brand and Peaches & Cream. I'm trying not to have any rhyme or reason to my stripes - I've been asking Jake or Bradley which color to do next. :)
Tomorrow we are going to a spring training baseball game - Tigers vs. Braves. My traitor sons say they want the Tigers to win. I guess I'm the original traitor though because all of my family are Tigers fans. :) Well, not much else going on here. I'm hoping our hotel has wifi, so I can get online. Write later! :)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
This is for all my NE friends...
I'm so sorry you are all stuck in a snowstorm up there. I lived in Michigan for ten years, so I can relate, and I can also say I'm very glad to be in Florida right now! :)
I'm so glad to finally have this done. It was stitched on 32 ct. Flax Belfast using DMC threads. I think I started it back in November after I finished Autumn Leaves. Well, I'm so tired, so this is going to be short. Write more later! :)
I'm so glad to finally have this done. It was stitched on 32 ct. Flax Belfast using DMC threads. I think I started it back in November after I finished Autumn Leaves. Well, I'm so tired, so this is going to be short. Write more later! :)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Wow, it's so quiet...
Something must be wrong! I took the camera around the house to see what was going on... how could it be so quiet?? :)

Matthew fell asleep (my little half naked boy!).

Jake was playing his game.

And Bradley was watching his show.
Of course now Matthew just woke up! :) I just had to document this rare, peaceful moment!
I got out Winter Wind to work on and as I was stitching I realized I was off one stitch in the border, so I spent some time this afternoon ripping, and later I'll spend some time restitching...

Well, it's now back to normal around here, so I'll write later! :)
P.S. Thank you to everyone for your nice comments about Spring Violets!

Matthew fell asleep (my little half naked boy!).

Jake was playing his game.

And Bradley was watching his show.
Of course now Matthew just woke up! :) I just had to document this rare, peaceful moment!
I got out Winter Wind to work on and as I was stitching I realized I was off one stitch in the border, so I spent some time this afternoon ripping, and later I'll spend some time restitching...

Well, it's now back to normal around here, so I'll write later! :)
P.S. Thank you to everyone for your nice comments about Spring Violets!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Spring Violets - Finished!
I finished it up tonight! I'm so glad it's done! Now I'm determined to get Winter Wind finished up and then after that a new start possibly. This is going to be a short post - Grey's Anatomy is on! :)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring Violets as of 3/11/07
Here's my little update pic. Not that big of a difference. I'm determined to finish it up soon though! I definitely need to stop browsing online shops. I saw another must have today... "Mansfield Park" by The Sampler Girl. It's so pretty and I love the saying. I have yet to read the book, but I do have it somewhere in my book stash (might still be in Georgia). Anyway, I placed another (she's going to think I'm nuts!) order with Mary Kathryn through her shop Handcrafts Online for the chart and some threads I was missing. It calls for two Vikki Clayton silks, so I ordered those from Vikki and because she has a minimum order or a $2 charge will be applied I went ahead and ordered the silks for Primitive Stocking by CHS, but I didn't have the pattern, so I had to order that from Handcrafts Online also... Whew! OK! Somebody tie my hands up and stop my finger from clicking on the Paypal "Pay" button! :) I'm going to be good from now on(I know I say that every month), but this time I mean it - really! I'm going to stick to my budget! :)
Jake is wanting me to "come here!" So I'll write more later! :)
Jake is wanting me to "come here!" So I'll write more later! :)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I'm back!
We had a nice visit. We didn't do much... just hung out and the kids went swimming, which they loved! It was nice for me when my dad and step-mom took the boys I stayed back with Matthew and stitched! I got quite a bit done on Winter Wind...

I also got some stitching done on Spring Violets, but I didn't take a pic yet. I'll take one later tonight or tomorrow. Here's a picture I took of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge on our way back (sorry it looks so far away). The weather has been gorgeous lately - there were so many boats out that you can't see in the picture and so many people out fishing. I know my dh wishes he were one of them! :)

Well, Matthew is fussing so I'd better go! Write later!

I also got some stitching done on Spring Violets, but I didn't take a pic yet. I'll take one later tonight or tomorrow. Here's a picture I took of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge on our way back (sorry it looks so far away). The weather has been gorgeous lately - there were so many boats out that you can't see in the picture and so many people out fishing. I know my dh wishes he were one of them! :)

Well, Matthew is fussing so I'd better go! Write later!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Spring Violets - Again!
I'm addicted to this one! I can't put it down - it's so much fun!

There goes my rotation flying out the window! :) Mary Kathryn started the prettiest sampler the other day... "At Home with Jane Austen," by The Sampler Girl from the latest Gift of Stitching online magazine. I love the colors and the saying is so me! I'd rather be at home than any place else! So sad, but true! :) So I ordered a few Crescent Colours I was missing from her online shop - Handcrafts Online. I did have most of the threads it called for and I also had some 28 ct. Creme Brulee linen in my stash that I'll doubt I'll use for the intended pattern (maude eloise).

Aren't the colors pretty? I was thinking of stitching the house in Bamboo (white/cream thread) instead of the peachy color. Anyway, I definitely won't start until Spring Violets is done. I should probably finish a few things before I start something new! :) But knowing me and my flightiness - it's unlikely to happen! :)
I also ordered a few other things... "Maggie's Needlecase" by Blackbird Designs and the threads for it along with the newest LHN chart "Nature's Beauty." I think this one is so pretty - I think it's probably my favorite LHN yet! I'll have a hard time not starting that one too! :)
Anyway, like I said there goes my rotation! :) Hopefully it doesn't go too far because I would really like to get some UFO's finished up! Well, not much else going on here! Write later!
P.S. I'm headed down to Bonita Springs this weekend for a visit with my Dad and Step-mother, so probably no update until Monday. See you then!

There goes my rotation flying out the window! :) Mary Kathryn started the prettiest sampler the other day... "At Home with Jane Austen," by The Sampler Girl from the latest Gift of Stitching online magazine. I love the colors and the saying is so me! I'd rather be at home than any place else! So sad, but true! :) So I ordered a few Crescent Colours I was missing from her online shop - Handcrafts Online. I did have most of the threads it called for and I also had some 28 ct. Creme Brulee linen in my stash that I'll doubt I'll use for the intended pattern (maude eloise).

Aren't the colors pretty? I was thinking of stitching the house in Bamboo (white/cream thread) instead of the peachy color. Anyway, I definitely won't start until Spring Violets is done. I should probably finish a few things before I start something new! :) But knowing me and my flightiness - it's unlikely to happen! :)
I also ordered a few other things... "Maggie's Needlecase" by Blackbird Designs and the threads for it along with the newest LHN chart "Nature's Beauty." I think this one is so pretty - I think it's probably my favorite LHN yet! I'll have a hard time not starting that one too! :)
Anyway, like I said there goes my rotation! :) Hopefully it doesn't go too far because I would really like to get some UFO's finished up! Well, not much else going on here! Write later!
P.S. I'm headed down to Bonita Springs this weekend for a visit with my Dad and Step-mother, so probably no update until Monday. See you then!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Spring Violets as of 3/5/07.
I got a little bit stitched on Spring Violets last night. I'm really enjoying it! Well, this is going to be a very short post because I have to change a diaper and then get my oldest ds from school. Fun, fun! Write later! :)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Some Good Deals...
I love finding little gadgets and accessories for my stitching... boxes, bags, containers, and doodads. I especially love finding them at odd places like Walgreen's or Target. I don't know... I'm just strange that way! Anyway, I found some mesh bags at Target (on sale for $2.48) that come three to a bag, so I snatched up all three packs that they had there (don't ask why I couldn't have been happy with just one pack).

I also picked up a couple of organizers to put my small patterns like Lizzie Kate, etc in. These were just $1.99 ea. They have tabs to make them alphabetical or monthly, so I did both. In one I have all my monthly Lizzie Kate's and in the other I have them listed alphabetically by pattern name.

So anyway, that's my Target finds. I also did a little stitching last night. I finished up the border on Spring Violets. Not very exciting, but at least tonight I can get to work on the flowers along the bottom and then I'll have met my rotation goal for this piece.

I received my Celtic Banner pattern the other day along with some of the threads I ordered. I realized I ordered the wrong threads (Watercolours instead of Wildflowers), so I decided instead of reordering the Wildflowers I would go with something different - Waterlilies because I'm using a smaller count fabric than what it calls for (32 instead of 29).

Well, that's all for now! Write later! :)

I also picked up a couple of organizers to put my small patterns like Lizzie Kate, etc in. These were just $1.99 ea. They have tabs to make them alphabetical or monthly, so I did both. In one I have all my monthly Lizzie Kate's and in the other I have them listed alphabetically by pattern name.

So anyway, that's my Target finds. I also did a little stitching last night. I finished up the border on Spring Violets. Not very exciting, but at least tonight I can get to work on the flowers along the bottom and then I'll have met my rotation goal for this piece.

I received my Celtic Banner pattern the other day along with some of the threads I ordered. I realized I ordered the wrong threads (Watercolours instead of Wildflowers), so I decided instead of reordering the Wildflowers I would go with something different - Waterlilies because I'm using a smaller count fabric than what it calls for (32 instead of 29).

Well, that's all for now! Write later! :)
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Spring Violets and Winter Wind
I started Spring Violets last night. There are two blues in the border a darker blue on the outside and a lighter blue on the inside. I thought the inside blue seemed a little dark, but I didn't think too much about it until... I stopped by Silk Road Needlearts today and picked up another skein (just in case I ran out) and when I got home I realized there was a big difference in the colors I had. Maybe when Nikki designed the sampler she had the lighter blue on hand, which could be the older dye lot. Anyway, I ripped out the darker and restitched using the lighter. I know, it's a little silly, but I really liked the look of the lighter blue. Here's pictures to prove my insanity... :)

Spring Violets before I ripped out the darker blue.

The two Blueberry Tarts.

And now stitched with the lighter blue.
I'm much happier now. I went stitching today at JoAnne Nantz's. It's always so nice to get out and stitch and be around other stitchers. I had a surprise when I got there... JoAnne finished framing my Sweet Sweet Babe birth sampler. It wasn't supposed to be done for three more weeks!

Sam Sarah Sweet Sweet Babe
I'm so happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to give it to my brother and SIL now! While I was there I also stitched a little bit on Winter Wind. I made a small goal to get the branches and birds done, which I did!

Prairie Schooler Winter Wind
Well, the kids are bugging me for juice and milk (I know I keep wondering why they are up this late too!), so I'd better go! Write later! :)

Spring Violets before I ripped out the darker blue.

The two Blueberry Tarts.

And now stitched with the lighter blue.
I'm much happier now. I went stitching today at JoAnne Nantz's. It's always so nice to get out and stitch and be around other stitchers. I had a surprise when I got there... JoAnne finished framing my Sweet Sweet Babe birth sampler. It wasn't supposed to be done for three more weeks!

Sam Sarah Sweet Sweet Babe
I'm so happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to give it to my brother and SIL now! While I was there I also stitched a little bit on Winter Wind. I made a small goal to get the branches and birds done, which I did!

Prairie Schooler Winter Wind
Well, the kids are bugging me for juice and milk (I know I keep wondering why they are up this late too!), so I'd better go! Write later! :)
Friday, March 02, 2007
A little more on Sunflower Bellpull
I met my goal for Sunflower Bellpull. I got the rest of the words, a band and the birds stitched. It went fairly fast.

I'm thinking of adding a new project to my rotation... CCN Spring Violets. I just love the colors and the simplicity of the design. I don't have the pearl fabric it calls for, but I do have some plain cream Belfast, which I can use. I guess I'm feeling a little burnt out right now, but I don't plan on abandoning my rotation, especially since I'm seeing some progress! :)
Well, I think Matthew is waking up - I'd better go! Write later!

I'm thinking of adding a new project to my rotation... CCN Spring Violets. I just love the colors and the simplicity of the design. I don't have the pearl fabric it calls for, but I do have some plain cream Belfast, which I can use. I guess I'm feeling a little burnt out right now, but I don't plan on abandoning my rotation, especially since I'm seeing some progress! :)
Well, I think Matthew is waking up - I'd better go! Write later!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I met my goal!
I finally finished up the sheep, the grass and flowers on My Earth...

Next up is Sunflower Bellpull. I'm hoping to finish up the letters and do a couple more bands. I know Carol can relate to this.. I'm so excited that baseball season is getting ready to start! We got tickets to see the Tigers and Braves play on the 24th. Carol, we are going down to Ft. Myers in 1 1/2 weeks - I'll say hi to the Red Sox for you! :) Not that we're going to a game down there (they are sold out!). Anyway, enough about baseball - I need to get stitching! Write later! :)

Next up is Sunflower Bellpull. I'm hoping to finish up the letters and do a couple more bands. I know Carol can relate to this.. I'm so excited that baseball season is getting ready to start! We got tickets to see the Tigers and Braves play on the 24th. Carol, we are going down to Ft. Myers in 1 1/2 weeks - I'll say hi to the Red Sox for you! :) Not that we're going to a game down there (they are sold out!). Anyway, enough about baseball - I need to get stitching! Write later! :)
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