I've been stitching away on my Quaker Sampler, but I'm not done yet. I have a few more large motifs to finish up yet.

I did finish Drums of Autumn on CD. It was very good and I just started Fiery Cross, the next book in the series. I'm so glad I had it ready because it starts right where the last one left off.
Michelle left a comment about showing you all what I do with all my finished projects. And the answer is, sadly, nothing. I put them in a rubbermaid bin in between layers of acid free tissue paper. I decided to count them and there are 90, so sad. But for me it's definitely the process, not the product. Some people are all about the product or finished piece. After I'm done stitching something I'm usually ready to start the next one, so it goes into the bin and is not thought of too much after that! :) That is a good question though. Are you a process or product stitcher?

Now, I do have some finished and framed, they are mostly in Georgia though. The finished needlerolls, etc. are put away too. I put them away for safekeeping until we are in our own place and can display them in a cabinet away from dust, dogs, and children. :)
Well, that's all for now! I'm going to try to get some stitching done before dh gets home. Write later! :)