I love to find a deal or something special on eBay. I usually get outbid on charts I want because everyone else wants them too. But this chart happened to slip by everyone, but me! :)

The Goode Huswife "A Pennsylvania Christmas Sampler."I fell in love with this design after seeing
Niky's stitched.
The other deal I found was the last Just Cross Stitch magazine I was needing to complete the "Share Thy Bounty" set by Merry Cox. I got that magazine very cheap, and I was very happy! :)

I also just won
this auction for Merry Cox's "Martha's Vineyard Pin Keep/Needlebook." I thought it was a pretty good deal - I can't wait to see what it looks like in person.
My last good deal of the week was from
Elegant Stitch Too. All charts are 50% off and got this one...

A Most Noble PursuitI never wanted to pay $40 for it because I knew I wouldn't stitch all the charts together, but rather stitch a few of them individually.
Well, that's all the deals I have to share for now! :) I haven't done any stitching today, and now that it's 10:15 pm. I don't think I'm going to. :( Definitely tomorrow though! Write later!