Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Sick, Sick, Sick!! We are all sick. It's been a few sleepless nights for me. The baby just wants to be held all night, and threw up the night before. Bradley has had a fever, so I've been trying to monitor that and make sure it doesn't go up. Now Bradley's eye is irritated, so I'm wondering if I should take him to the doctor. Ah, the joys of motherhood. I just feel so bad for them! Jake is doing much better today. He wouldn't even get down to play yesterday, and today he's running all over the place.

I did get a little stitching done over the holiday. I finished my Mystery VI needleroll except for some beads I was missing. After I get those I'll finish it into a needleroll. :) That's all for now! Hopefully next time I write we're all feeling better!!!

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