In order of start date....
1.)Ribby Cardi #1 - 11/26/04

Pattern - Chicknits
Yarn - Elann Peruvian Highland Wool in Raspberry
Size - 36/37
Needles - 6 & 7 Addi Turbos
I have just the back done, I put away because I couldn't decide on colors. I have now decide to do all Raspberry.
2.)Gloria - 12/11/04

Pattern - Jane Ellison Noro Knits
Yarn - Noro Kureyon #86 and Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran #602.
Needles - 8 Addi Turbos
I have the right front and part of the back finished. I will get back to this one of these days!
3.)Ribby Cardi #2 - 1/2/05

Pattern - Chicknits
Yarn - Elann Peruvian Highland Wool - Dried Herb
Size - 38/39
Needles - 6 & 7 Addi Turbos
I am very close to finishing this one... I have the back, both fronts and more than 1/2 of one sleeve done.
4.)Mariah - 1/3/05

Pattern - Knitty
Yarn - Cascade Lana D'oro Tweed - Charcoal
Size - Medium (40")
Needle - 7 Addi Turbos
Almost a whole sleeve.. wow! :)
5.)Cheveron Scarf - 1/20/05

Pattern - Last minute Gifts (with modifications)
Yarn - Artyarns Supermerino #110
Size - CO 36 sts.
Needle - 7 Crystal Palace bamboo
I'm about 2/3's done. I really need to get this finished up!
6.)Must Have Cardigan - 2/16/05

Pattern - Paton's Street Smart
Yarn - Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran #604
Size - Large
Needle - 6 & 7 Addi Turbos
I just have about 1/3 of a front done. I love this sweater, but not sure when I can get to it with my busy schedule! I'm actually thinking of taking it out and doing this sweater. Still trying to decide on that one though.
7.)Artyarns Socks - 3/10/05

Pattern - basic 2x2 ribbed sock (I use Sally Melville's Purl stitch book for heel and toe)
Yarn - Artyarns Supermerino #107
Needle - 3 clover bamboo dps
Size - CO 48 sts.
1 sock done, a couple inches of sock #2 done. I absolutely love these socks, they are so soft and squishy!!
edited to add....
8.) Ruffles - 2/1/05

Pattern - Scarf Style book
Yarn - Noro Kureyon #51
Needle - Size 6 Addi Turbo
I will definitely be getting back to this scarf soon, it's such a fun pattern!!
My priorities right now are the socks and green ribby cardi, next will be the scarves and then the other sweaters. Now that I'm full time the cables are a little much for a quick work project. I'm afraid they'll be wips or UFO's for awhile! Ack! :)
I have also been trying to teach myself how to spin. Let me just say it's not pretty. I need A LOT of practice and probably a couple classes! Now I know why so many people get spinning wheels after working with a drop spindle for a little bit. Well, that's all for now. Going to work on my socks! :)
My goodness, you have a lot going on. I have the sleeve caps left to go on my Must Have Cardigan...worked the fronts and back together on circulars up to the sleeve bind off. Can't imagine frogging it,although the Debbie Bliss sweater is lovely too. Unfortunatly, I cast on for the Clapotis out of some Classic Elite Fame from my much too large stash and it keeps saying just one more dropped stitch. They will both be finished before I start anything else...I think. Several things on your needles are on my list...Ribby, such a nice wearable pattern, Ruffles, very girly and irresistible and Mariah, who doesn't like a another great cable pattern. Good luck with your WIPs...they are inspiring!