I ended up coffee-dying some more 34 ct. Cafe au Lait Legacy linen for it. I baked it, but ended up rinsing most of the mottling out. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. :)
I also worked on HoHRH a little bit yesterday....
I'm on book three of the Twilight Saga now. I'm really enjoying it. I watched the movie the other day. It was pretty good also. Not as good as the book, but I half expected that. A friend of mine said it was terrible, so I was actually expecting a lot worse. I didn't think it was terrible. Well, I've got to get the boys from the bus stop. Write later!

YGG on the restart, Nicole! I think it's better to go with what makes you happy, and you've already made nice progress. Love your Houses, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to give silks a try one of these days. Beautiful stitching!
ReplyDeleteOh you make me laugh with your restarts, Nicole. Because you just seem to then stitch even faster! I agree with Siobhan's comment - you gotta go with what feels good to you. Everything looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteIt's good you got rid of the DMC's if it wasn't making you happy. Silks are always wonderful to work with! I give you a lot of credit for restarting. I'm one of those people that will throw the offending piece aside and go on to something else. Love your Houses too!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE LOVE LOVE the new start. I always think that silks stand out so much better than cotton does. My dh calls me a silk snob! I love HOHRH and that's why I have decided to stitch this instead of ATS as I love it much more. And I agree with Melissa and Siobhan you have to go with what makes you feel good. Lots of Love Patti xxx
ReplyDeleteI love the colors on your restart. They are really lovely!
ReplyDeleteREDO! I love redos! LOL :-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't think the movie was that bad either. I liked the books a lot but haven't watched my DVD yet.
I love those silk threads as well as the NPI silks I am using on my Shores of Hawk Run Hollow. I hope to get a post up maybe tomorrow. I worked on QV and now I am finishing up the grass on SOHRH. Your stitching is beautiful as always on these!
ReplyDeleteNow your Ruthie looks like mine! lol! I love the silks -- it's definitely worth a restart rather than regretting it later. I restarted HoHRH after finishing the first 3 blocks -- and that was a bummer! And speaking of, it's looking great too!
ReplyDeleteBoth of your WIPs are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI love silk floss. I'm happy you decided to go with what you like. The sampler is such a beautiful one, and not to be happy with your finish work would be a shame. Look forwad to following your progress.
your progresses look great. I read the whole Twilight series and enjoyed them. I watched the movie Sunday and thought they did a pretty good job on it. DS#2 and his girlfriend liked it and my son didn't think he would like it.
ReplyDeleteGreat progress on both Nicole!
ReplyDeleteYour pics always come out so nice!
I need your camera...heck, who am I kidding...I just need you to take my pics;)
great progress on HoHRH.
ReplyDeleteThe RB one I had not seen before so I googled it and went for a peek at the finished sampler. My there is a lot of work in that but it will be stunning when its done.
They both look lovely Nicole
ReplyDeleteVery pretty! Love it in the silks too. Your HRH piece is coming along well too.
ReplyDeleteOoooh what a lovely blog you have. xx
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing like those silks. :-) It's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOh the silks look wonderful!! Restarts are so necessary sometimes, to bring the result that we want. Love your Houses too, just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteDang it, Nicole. Must everything you do be beautiful????? ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat progress on HoHRH, Nicole - it's coming along beautifully.
ReplyDeleteNice re-start on Ruth Batchelor - I'm glad that you're happier with the silks - I love the look of silks, but hate stitching with them, because the silk always ends up snagging on my dry hands.
Beautiful progress on the re-start! It is looking just fantastic so far!
ReplyDeleteI think it looks great either way, but totally understand the need to restart! Glad you're happy with it.
ReplyDeleteSilks are always a pleasure to work with. I also love DMCs very much but it's not good to continue a project with threads that you don't like working with. Both your WIPs look really great.
ReplyDeleteI HATE starting over!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think of New Moon? I'm half way through - how depressing. I'm finding it difficult to get through bc I want so badly for Bella and Edward to be exactly where they were at the end of Twilight, only with Bella being a Vampire and their love to keep exploding. There is a lot of talk online about the filming of New Moon.